"Thank You For Your Service" Award
Honoring our veterans who courageously fought for our freedom
Theodore E. Szczepanski WWII 95th Infantry Division (Passed away 3/6/21)
Gerald Zimmerman WWII US Navy (Passed away 8/17/23)
Charlie Brown WWII US Navy (100 years old)
Tom Young Afghanistan US Air Force
John Kalanta Korea US Navy (Passed away 12/31/22)
M. Roger Haadsma Korea US Army
Bruce E. Exner Korea US Army (Passed away 5/7/21)
Jane Elijah WWII US Army nurse
Eugene Turnbull WWII
James Heynen Korea US Coast Guard (Passed away 8/14/22)
* 1st Annual Ted Szczepanski "Leadership" Award
St. John Catholic School in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring an 8th grade student who loves country, faith and family
* 1st Annual Theodore E. Szczepanski "Leadership" Scholarship
Grain Valley High School in Grain Valley, Missouri
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a senior student who loves country, family and giving
($500 scholarship)
* 1st Annual Ted Szczepanski Award
Academy of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station, New Jersey
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a senior female student who loves country, family and giving
($500 scholarship)
* 1st Annual Theodore E. Szczepanski "Leadership" Scholarship
Loretto Academy in El Paso, Texas
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a senior female student who loves country, faith, giving and math
* 1st Annual Theodore Szczepanski Memorial Scholarship
Grand Rapids High School in Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Linking our two great cities
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a senior who loves country, family and giving
Sophie Klinefelter ($500 scholarship)
* 1st Annual Ted Szczepanski Courage Award
Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a freshman student who loves country, family and giving
Riley Swanson ($1,000 scholarship for sophomore tuition)
* 1st Annual Green Acres
Big Heart Scholarship
Honoring a student who carries a big heart to care for our loved ones
($1,000 scholarship)
* 1st Annual Ted Szczepanski Leadership Award
Holy Spirit Catholic School in Grand Rapids, Michigan
"A tribute to my dad"
Dad was their oldest parishioner at 105 years old
Honoring an 8th grade student who loves country, family and giving
Gabe Nicholson ($500 scholarship for high school tuition)
* 2nd Annual Ted Szczepanski Award
Saint Joseph School in Martinsburg, West Virginia
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring an 8th grade student who loves country, faith, giving and math
* 2nd Annual Ted Szczepanski Math Award
St. Francis of Assisi School in Lumberton, New Mexico
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring an 8th grade student who loves country, family, giving and math
Larissa Montoya - 4th grade student
* 2nd Annual Ted Szczepanski Leadership Award
Immaculate Conception High School in Montclair, New Jersey
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a senior student who loves country, faith, family, giving and leadership
A $500 scholarship will be added to their college freshman year
Ibn Johnson
* 3rd Annual Volleyball "Inspiration" Award
Grain Valley High School in Grain Valley, Missouri
Honoring a volleyball student / athlete who fires up her team
Freshman Callie Fenstermaker
* 3rd Annual Ted Szczepanski Math Award
Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring an 8th grade student who loves country, faith, family, giving and math
A $500 scholarship will be added to their freshman year
2024 Corinne Lerch
* 3rd Annual "Passion for Math" Award
St. Michael Parish School in Wheeling, West Virginia
Olivia Blatt
* 3rd Annual Ted Szczepanski Math Award
John Paul II Catholic School in Morganfield, Kentucky
"A tribute to my dad"
Honoring a student who loves country, faith, family, giving and math
Landon French
* 5th Annual Volleyball "Inspiration" Award
Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana
2024 Haillie Leaumont
* 11th Annual Rick Szczepanski Mathematics Scholarship
Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana
Honoring a junior or senior who excels in mathematics
2024– Junior Sophia Hattier ($1,000 scholarship)
* 12th Annual Volleyball “Leading by Example” Award
Red Cloud High School in Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Honoring a female varsity volleyball student / athlete
2024 - Senior Abigail Haas
* 12th Annual Melissa Rose Ziemer Scholarship
Honoring 1991 Vincennes Lincoln High School graduate / Chicago singer / songwriter / actress
2024 – Senior Malory Friend ($500 scholarship)
* 13th Annual National Volleyball Senior “Leadership” Scholarship
Honoring a USA female volleyball student / athlete who leads on the court and in the classroom
2024– Kayla Gallagher / Grain Valley High School / Grain Valley, Missouri
Hope Hess / Heritage High School / Brentwood, California
Emily Caracci / Mount Carmel Academy / New Orleans, Louisiana
Hannah Bush / Kenowa Hills High School / Grand Rapids, Michigan
* 13th Annual Mathematics and Community Service Award
Grand Valley State University
* 14th Annual “Faith and Leadership” Award
Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana
Honoring a senior grounded in the Catholic faith and active in our communities
2024 – Senior Eva Caparotta
* 22nd Annual Varsity Volleyball “Role Model” Award
Battle Creek St. Philip Catholic Central High School
22 Time Class D State Champions
2024 - Senior Clare Lussier